Today I was thinking about Rome and my friend Dean who has just moved there. I then remembered that I haven't posted or told anybody about the travel blog, this travel blog.
It is within my nature to come up with a grandiose idea like, "I'm gonna do a travel blog and post everyday that I'm in Italy and it will lead to accolades and awards for it's wit and insight then I will be accoladed!", then not following through with's the Ralph Kramden in me.
But, call it a sentimental journey, call it a longing for this beautiful place or call it a cure for my chronic procrastination but here I am publishing and sharing the trip.
I've expanded this idea of travel to the mundane everyday experiences as well, now I can't say that it will be a consistent influx of wisdom and laughter but who the hell knows?
So I'm gonna publish the posts from the Italian trip, then go from there I suppose.