Saturday, August 18, 2012

mum's the word

Currently listening:
Finally We Are No One
By Mum
Release date: 28 May, 2002

mum's the word

The plain truth and the only thing you can count on is that there are absolutely no guarantees.
The only thing you can do is make sure that the people in your life know how much you appreciate and love them.

This is not a hoax!
It really is that simple.

When they die you will have to live with the fact that you were able to show them gratitude and you made the conscious decision not to.
Or the mundane everydays just piled upon each other and there was no other time to spare to call them and thank them for the fifty dollars they sent you for your birthday in September and it is now November.
Hearts are broken.
People are taken away, it is a fact, but if you did all that you could then you can rest easy.
The question is, did you do?

I did not

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